To celebrate the diverse and fascinating nature in and around Normandy here is a collection of your photos of local wildlife and landscapes taken here during the unusual times of 2020 and 2021. This is not a photo competition, but a chance to showcase our amazing local natural environment, which at times has helped us all through these challenging times.
Normandy Pond Gill Woolfson – Feb 2021Primroses on Backside Common Gill Woolfson- March 2021 Pussy willow on Backside Common Gill Woolfson Rainbow ‘over’ Guildford from Ash Ranges Bill Stanworth , 8th March 2020 Privet Hawk Moth Margaret Jones I Spy Margaret JonesBluebells and sticthwort at Cleygate Copse Gill Woolfson, 18 May Reed Mace, Normandy Common Gill Woolfson, 11 NovWoods in Spring, Cleygate Copse Gill Woolfson, 18 MayFallen Leaves, Normandy Pond Gill Woolfson, 11 Nov Little Owl in Flexford just ten feet away in a hedgerowHedgehog feeding as usual on the longest night of the year John Oliver, 21 Dec Common spotted orchids at the bottom of our garden Linda Pike, June Fly Agaric on Ash Ranges Linda Pike Autumn colours Ash ranges Linda Pike Wisteria flowers, great for bees and other pollinators etc! Pirbright Road Bill Stanworth, 2 May Hawthorn, another great plant for bees etc, hedgerow by Catherine Frith Bill Stanworth, 4 May Jackdaws gathering nesting material from a happy donor, North Wyke Farm Bill Stanworth, 19 April Newly erected swift boxes at the Village Hall Bill Stanworth, 8 May Late afternoon sun on silver birch and gorse, Ash Ranges Bill Stanworth, 30 MarchFloriferous football pitch with song thrush & blackbirds, Normandy Common Bill Stanworth, 29 May Blue tit leaving nest site, St Mark’s church hall! Bill Stanworth, 14 May Bee orchid showing drought effected black leaves, Normandy Common Bill Stanworth, 10 June Corn marigold, a declining arable weed, flowering in fields south of Henley Park Farm Bill Stanworth, 3 July Green-veined whites puddling on Folly Hatch lane Bill Stanworth, 11 July Ants attracted to sticky secretions produced by barnacle galls (caused by gall-wasp Andricus sieboldi), on oak sapling in Springhill garden Bill Stanworth, 15 July Charred sculpture, SE of Withybed Copse Bill Stanworth, 2 June Honey bee frame with evidence of European foulbrood (notifiable), Springhill garden Bill Stanworth, 1 June Belted Galloways curious about the intrusion on Ash Ranges Bill Stanworth, 29 August Aspen showing autumn colour, Ash Ranges Bill Stanworth, 18 October ‘As red as any blood’ (holly berries), Normandy Bill Stanworth, 20 October Autumn colour on Ash Ranges Bill Stanworth, 3 November Where are my mealworms? Maggy JenningsLovely lichen Maggy JenningsPeppered moth caterpillar on rose Maggy JenningsSulphur tuft fungi on tree stump Maggy JenningsLarge bacterial induced gall on a silver birch tree Maggy JenningsSpotted fairy ring– fly agaric Maggy JenningsBluebells Maggy JenningsPeacock butterfly Steve MarshallDormouse box – fingers crossed for finding an occupant next year! Heather SohlDormouse footprint tunnel Heather SohlBiodiverse field margin Heather SohlOur hedgehog friend in the garden Heather SohlStuck in a rain forest, well, a rain storm on Ash Ranges Heather Sohl, July
These photos are from slightly further afield than Normandy parish……
Rose Chafer in our garden in Ash Rick Wilson, MayStag beetle in our garden in Ash Rick Wilson, JuneGoldfinches, sparrows and blackbirds used our mini container pond as a bath during the summer. I took this picture of a blackbird in July. Rick Wilson, JulyGoslings by the Basingstoke Canal Linda Pike Fungi on fallen tree, at St Martha’s hill Jenny Garson, October Broadwater Lake Margaret JonesPuttenham Common Gill Woolfson, 15 Nov Barn owl near river Wey Jenny Garson, 11 Oct Fly agarics, Thursley Common Jenny Garson, September