Normandy Common Treasure Hunt Answers


1. Oak is the leaf (along with an acorn) found on the National Trust logo
2. Apple is the name of the daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. This Bramley apple tree in the orchard on the Common was blown over in a recent storm. By burying the roots with soil, the tree is still alive.
3. The Spindle is the part of a sewing machine which spins your thread right ’round. There aren’t many spindles on the Common, so well done to those who found one. Very recognisable for their red berries, they have green stems, as you can see in the inset photo.
4. Holly Willoughby is the co-presenter on ITV’s Good Morning Britain.
5. A few sheep is a ewe, and we were looking for a Yew, one of the longest-lived native tree species in Europe. 


6. This anagram REQSILRU contained the word squirrel. Grey squirrels, are common across the Common (pardon the pun!), but can still be evasive to photographers, as the above shows (he is in there!).
7. IRNBO is our wonderful red-breasted feathered friend, the robin.
8. RAGBED is for badger. Entrances to their setts tend to be more wide as opposed to tall, when compared to fox dens, for example.
9. LOYHL ALFE REINM becomes holly leaf miner. This is a small fly with larvae that cause discoloured blotches by feeding inside holly leaves. It doesn’t harm the holly’s health.
10. OSOLUWDOE is a woodlouse. Woodlice are actually terrestrial crustaceans, not insects, so are more closely related to crabs and shrimps. 

Management of Normandy Common

11. Bat boxes are erected on trees to provide artificial homes for many species of bats. These Schwegler bat boxes are made from a mixture of concrete and woodchip to provide optimal temperatures for bats. Compared to bird boxes, the holes are located lower as the bats land at the bottom and crawl upwards to roost at the top of the box. Clue was “essential to play cricket, baseball or rounders; Home deliveries are often reliant on these cardboard vessels”.
12. Ditch clearance is important to ensure water drainage in key parts of the Common. Clue was “to get rid of an unwanted friend; A closing down sale offering cheap prices”
13. Log piles are a valuable opportunity provided after felling and cutting trees, creating a great habitat for invertebrates. Clue was “the captain of the Enterprise on Star Trek would always keep one of these to record all their activities and discoveries; The depth of a carpet”.
14. Holly thinning is needed where holly has grown expansively in large areas and its dense foliage means other plants struggle to establish themselves underneath. Clue was “’The ________ and the ivy…’; A bald man’s son’s concern”
15. Coppicing is a traditional method of woodland management which exploits the capacity of many species of trees to put out new shoots from their stump or roots if cut down. Clue was “Slang for a policeman; Decoration on a cake”

When, where, what on the Common

16. No man is an island, is from a poem by John Donne, also used in the lyrics of a Jon Bon Jovi’s song and quoted in the Hugh Grant film, About a Boy. In the pond on the Common the island provides an undisturbed location for animals.
17. The FNW Interpretation Board, which can be found in three sites across the Common, provides information about the wildlife that can be found there. In the bottom left hand corner you can see the photo of the bat which was the flying mammal in the clue.
18. Bamboo is a non-native to the UK, often found in gardens, but it sadly doesn’t remain there. It is a prolific spreader, so the slightest amount of bamboo put on the Common in compost piles means it can spread easily from there. Bamboo is the main plant food of pandas, hence the clue.
19. Where a life support system is unearthed, but still functioning we find an upturned tree root plate.
20. Bee hotels – the Holiday Inn for insects – are used as breeding places by cavity-nesting solitary bees like Mason bees, Leafcutter bees and Yellow-faced bees which naturally nest in hollow stems, earth banks or old beetle holes in dead wood. 

Plants and their close friends

21. I can take over like the kraken,
In places where pH is a lacking,
Covering 3% of the UK,
And 90% of my mass is hidden away,
I’m the often ignored bracken.
22. For people, I’m a large item in potpourri,
Or a decoration alongside the Christmas tree,
Filled with fat to give birds a feed,
In nature, I safely hold the seed,
And if I land on your head, I’m so sorry!
Answer – a pine cone!
23.  I’m sometimes a foe, damaging trees, buildings and maybe a crop,
But faster than ever to break down the plastic bottle from your pop,
I have 3.8 million species worldwide,
Yet from science over 90% of those still hide,
Many hallucinogenic, others used in beer to make your lager top.
Answer – fungus!
24. In the northern hemisphere I prefer the north side,
I’m where the resilient water bear will reside,
Surprisingly, I have no root,
From pristine lawns I’m given the boot,
As I soak up water plants like it by my side.
Answer – moss!
25. Fungi that have discovered agriculture,
On trees and many a stone structure,
I may not be very bold,
But of every living thing I’m really quite old,
Not a mushroom but eaten in Arctic culture.
Answer – lichen!

We hope whether you had all or some of the answers that you enjoyed thinking about and exploring the beautiful nature on our amazing Normandy Common. If you enjoyed this quiz and would like more activities like this, please let us know by sending an email to