Inews reports Pseudumbellula scotiae was found growing at a depth of up to 2,000 metres in a deepwater basin off the North West coast of Scotland by scientists from the Scottish Government and the University of Seville. It is a type of seapen, a group of soft corals that grow in cold and tropical waters around the world.
All posts by Heather
No English river is free from pollution – Parliament report
BBC News and Sky News report raw sewage, microplastics and slurry are coursing through all of England’s rivers, putting health and nature at risk, a parliamentary report concludes. Agriculture and water companies are the biggest contributors to this “chemical cocktail”, the Environmental Audit Committee warns. Car tyre particles, oils and wet wipes are also clogging waterways.
Conifer plantation push could threaten red squirrel population, study finds
The Guardian, and The Telegraph report conifer plantations, which are being expanded around the UK to combat the climate crisis and foster biodiversity, are in danger of hurting one of the key species they were thought to protect: red squirrels.
‘We’ve got to act fast and big’: Rewilding expert cautiously welcomes UK landscape recovery pledge
The Independent reports the government’s proposals will focus on England’s threatened native species, and restoring rivers and streams.
Spring flowers bloom months early after record-breaking New Year heat

The Independent reports botanists most concerned by early sightings of hawthorn and buttercups.
Eurasian lynx could be returning to the UK countryside after a 1,300 year absence

I News reports Wildlife Trusts chief Craig Bennett wants to reintroduce the predatory felines – and says they could work wonders for the country’s eco-system and landscape.
UK as a leader in animal welfare? Well, some animals are more equal than others
The Observer reports to protect game birds, the government has decided it’s fine to kill crows and jackdaws.
Country diary: My paean to the hawthorn, feeder of many

The Guardian reports this little tree is barely twice my height yet it feeds so many. A grey squirrel pauses to snack on its daily run along the dry stone wall. Heaps of chewed berries on the ground show where mice have fed. In spring, hawthorn leaves are the first to emerge in the valley, followed by blossoms, plentiful in nectar and pollen for bees and hoverflies.
Cull of 150,000 deer aims to save Scottishforests
The Times reports more than 150,000 deer are to be culled across Scotland over the next five years as part of a multimillion-pound scheme to protect the country’s trees.
Humpback whales are making a comeback around UK
The Times reports sightings of humpback whales have soared around the UK in a further sign of the recovery of the species. The Wildlife Trusts have recorded more than 75 sightings off Cornwall since 2019 plus others this year off the Isles of Scilly, Northumberland, Pembrokeshire in Wales, Shetland and in the Firth of Forth.