BBC News reports the population of hedgehogs in rural Britain is continuing a “steep decline” according to research.
BBC News reports the population of hedgehogs in rural Britain is continuing a “steep decline” according to research.
EDIE, Business Green, Lancashire Times, and Yorkshire Times report more than 60 organisations have launched a new campaign calling for a “legal right” to be able to access nature to form a key part of the Government’s ongoing Levelling Up reforms.
Organisations including Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, WWF UK and the Wildlife Trusts have today (21 February) launched a new campaign urging the government to increase access to nature for all parts of the UK. In total, more than 60 organisations have formed the “Nature for Everyone” campaign, claiming that people have a legal right to access nearby nature hotspots.
The Daily Telegraph reports grand gestures aren’t all that can be done to help the environment. Here, we have compiled a list of easy steps you can take from the comfort of your own home to reduce your carbon footprint. These include: change your kettle, find alternative sources of energy, become a flexitarian, use refillable containers, invest in renewable energy, save water and start small.
BBC News reports forest managers warn that already “catastrophic” damage will be made worse by Storms Dudley and Eunice. There are warnings that the heating climate is making our weather more severe and unpredictable, and that management and planting strategies must adapt more quickly.
The Daily Telegraph reports UK’s climate means giant sequoia will thrive in areas like the Brecon Beacons, as global warming hastens its demise in America… A company called One Life One Tree has already planted over 700 sequoias in the UK. There are plans to reach 100,000 by 2030, with sites in Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and around the Brecon Beacons. They call the project “The Great Reserve”, to maintain numbers of the trees for generations to come.
Each sequoia is planted with three native British trees to maintain biodiversity in the groves. The company charges patrons £395 to plant a sequoia, with the promise that it will help to offset their carbon emissions.
The Guardian reports wildlife experts and gardeners are reporting a series of highly unusual early sightings of flora, fauna, insects and birds across Britain, some of them weeks before when they would normally appear, in a further sign that rising global temperatures are having a significant impact on British wildlife.
The BBC report a Perthshire estate has been sanctioned after “clear evidence” of wildlife crime was found on the property.
It included a satellite-tagged hen harrier found dead on Lochan Estate in an illegally-set spring trap.
The Guardian reports many urban gardens rich in pollinator-friendly plants and provide food all year round, find Bristol researchers.
The Guardian reports retired salesman John Stimpson was so moved by the cries of birds unable to find nests, he decided to act. Now he has made enough boxes to house half the UK’s swifts.