The Times reports plans by Center Parcs to build a £350 million holiday resort in West Sussex would “tear the heart” out of ancient woodland and set a precedent that could lead to the destruction of many other protected woods, conservation charities are warning.
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Environment Agency launches major investigation into sewage
The Guardian reports water companies are at the centre of a major investigation by the financial and environmental watchdogs after they admitted they may have illegally released untreated sewage into rivers and waterways.
The Environment Agency and Ofwat said they had begun an investigation into sewage treatment works, after new checks led to the admission from the water companies.
This investigation will involve more than 2,000 sewage treatment works, nearly a third of the total number in England and Wales, with any company caught breaching their legal permits liable to enforcement action, including fines or prosecutions.
Algae grows into £11bn industry as seaweed farms emerge along British coastline
The Daily Mirror reports never mind agriculture – algae-culture is the future as seaweed farms spring up along the British coastline. The slimy brown stuff is among the most eco-friendly raw materials as it does not need fresh water, land or fertilisers. Considered a superfood, kelp is also one of the most versatile and fast-growing organisms on the planet. Growing at up to two feet per day, it also feeds fish and other creatures, while capturing carbon emissions in the same as trees and helping to de-acidify the world’s oceans.
It is even a potential cure for farting cattle, whose emissions add to global warming. Studies show changing their diet to seaweed can cut methane by 80%. And a trial to feed them supplements is being backed by supermarket Morrisons.
Fisherman ‘catches’ chatty dolphins on camera in Cornwall
ITV NEWS reports for most people seeing dolphins is a rare wonder but, for trawlerman Peter Green from St Mawes in Cornwall, it is an almost everyday occurrence – yet he still finds it magical.
New strategy launched to protect chalk streams
WiredGov reports the Environment Agency recently (15 October 2021) welcomed a new chalk stream strategy to protect ‘England’s rainforests’
The Catchment Based Approach’s Chalk Stream Restoration Group brings together organisations with an interest in chalk stream management, recognising that protection of chalk streams requires everyone to play their part.
Dolphins living off the coast of Wales that have developed their own ‘Welsh accent’

The Mail Online reports dolphins living off the coast of Wales that have developed their own ‘Welsh accent’ whistle at higher frequencies than those recorded anywhere else in the world, scientists say. Frequency of clicks used by dolphins are also faster than anywhere else in world.
Toxic oak moth threatens UK trees after failure to control its spread

The New Scientist reports the oak processionary moth (OPM), an invasive species in northern Europe with caterpillars that are toxic to humans and other animals, expanded its range at an increased speed in the years following its arrival in the UK, despite government efforts to contain it.
English rewilding projects not wild enough, study suggests
The Independent reports lack of large carnivores to make process appear less threatening is curtailing biodiversity, scientists find.
Toxic algae may be killing seabirds washed up on shore
The Times reprots toxic algae in the North Sea may be to blame for the deaths of thousands of seabirds off the east coast of England and Scotland.
Great tits in Britain are now laying their eggs two weeks earlier than they did 60 years ago because of climate change, study finds

The Daily Mail reports great tits are laying their eggs up to a fortnight earlier than they did 60 years ago, according to a new study, which found it is a consequence of climate change.