Saturday 24th September 2022 – Fungal Foray

A walk on Normandy Common with Dick Alder of the local Fungi Group
Monday 5th September 2022 – The Secret World of Moths

A talk by Peter Smith, local beekeeper and moth enthusiast.
Moths are incredibly diverse, beautiful and fascinating animals, and they don’t just fly at night! There are more than 2,500 moth species in the UK, and globally about 160,000, which far outnumbers the 18,500 butterfly species worldwide. Moths are indicators of a healthy ecosystem and are important pollinators of many wild plants, including orchids. Come to this talk to learn more about these amazing and vital insects.
Monday 11th April, 2022: UK Amphibians (and FNW AGM)
Danial Winchester, independent ecologist and Normandy resident
This talk gave a general introduction about all the native species of amphibians in the UK and also looked at what is local to the area plus some non-native species.
Monday 7th March, 2022: Woking Peregrine Project
James Sellen, Woking Peregrine Project Team

James has been involved with the Woking Peregrine Project since it started in 2015. The last seven years have been very eventful – no breeding season is the same as they witness local Peregrines’ complex, savage and intimate lifestyle. Since the Project started, James has learnt much about the world’s fastest avian predator and taken numerous photos of these charismatic Peregrines, some of which will help illustrate this talk. With the generous assistance of many individuals and organisations, the Project has been able to help the ongoing breeding success of the Peregrine – a bird of prey that very nearly became extinct as a UK breeding species not many years ago.
Monday 10th January, 2022: The Wildlife of Pewley Down and Meadows
Jonathan Mitchell, Chair of Pewley Down Volunteers
Pewley Down is a small but important chalk downland nature reserve 15 minutes’ walk from the centre of Guildford, home to much scarce wildlife. The area under protection has been substantially expanded with the acquisition by the community and partners of the adjacent Pewley Meadows in 2021.